Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pumped Up!

Here are a few things that I am completely psyched about that is in the process of taking place in my life right now.

  1. What God is doing in my family's life concerning us buying a house (after the 10th offer. Feel free to ask me about the story.)
  2. Where our church is heading with the direction of reaching our community with the love of Jesus Christ.
  3. The developing vision for The Vine @ our church. Cannot wait to see how this venue is going to be used.
  4. The lives that are being transformed by the incredible power of the Holy Spirit as people surrender to His work in their lives.
  5. Our small group. (Man I love you guys!) If you don't have one, find one. If you don't know how to find one let me know & I will help you find one.
  6. The God sized opportunities that are being placed in our path right now. We wont be able to accomplish any of them without the help of our Mighty Creator.

What are somethings in your life that God has you excited about?

1 comment:

macblountman said...

Say, bro! I would love to know what your "Vine Service" looks like. We are considering formats for a new service we want to start targeted for the 20's & 30's crowd (and since I haven't been in that category for over a decade now, well, you get the picture).