Sunday, August 9, 2009

Heart Like a Child's

My two girls are both story tellers. Their favorite way of telling stories is in song. They make up their own stories & songs and share them with anyone who is around. They are constantly singing something.

I was just getting ready to walk downstairs to where my kids were hanging out. As I hit the top of the steps I here my youngest's voice singing, "The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout. Down came the rain and washed the spider out." From then on the words got a little jumbled. She had the right concepts with the "sun" & "it drying up" the rain, but the order was not quite right. The adult in me wanted to proceed down the stairs & let her know how to sing it the "right way."

It was right then that I heard God's Spirit say to me, "Leave her alone, because I hear her heart." Yeah, I know that it wasn't some "bible song" that she was singing, but she was letting her heart be heard. God reminded me that He wants to hear my heart. He doesn't care if I am singing a "bible song" or if I am getting the "right words" in the "right order." He just wants me to let my heart be heard. We see this taking place in Psalms as David shares his heart with God.

I think that so often we allow the "Christian adult" in us take over and we get focused on making sure everyone is singing the right "bible song" and that we are singing the "right words" in the "right order." I often find myself doing this with my kids. I take away their childlike heart because I am more concerned with their presentation than I am with the heart behind their content.

I, for too long, have been acting like a "Christian adult" instead of having the childlike heart of Christ. I have been focused on having the "right words" in the "right order." But I am tired of living like this. Christ admonishes us to "have faith like that of a child." We need to stop worrying about our presentation and let our hearts for God be heard. Will you join me in letting our hearts be heard. After all, God is the only audience that matters!

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